About the Artist
As a self-taught fibre artist, I have been influenced by rug hooking all my life. It wasn’t until 2003 that my passion for rug hooking and the art of dyeing wool flourished. The most rewarding aspect of my art is watching my original designs evolve from the first stage of visualizing a pattern, to the completion of the piece. My hooked rugs are found in private art collections all over the world. Hooked rugs are an excellent investment, because with care, they can last forever.

Rug hooking has certainly changed from the days when my grandmother, Vivian Emeneau, first started to rug hook as a teenager. In those days, it was out of necessity and not as a hobby. She used mostly pure wool yarn but also used old, cotton shirts that she would cut into strips, fold the edges under and then hook. In later years, Vivian’s hooked pieces could be purchased at the Nova Scotia/New Brunswick border. Unfortunately, my grandmother passed away prior to me ever picking up a rug hook. My family, especially my mother, has influenced my development as an artist through their unwavering support and their love of wool.

I attend various annual festivals and events where my hooked rugs and hand dyed wool are also available for sale. Contact me for location details and dates, if you would like to meet me and see more of my artwork.

Felicia Knock              Felicia's Photo by LuckyDuck Photography

Questions about my products?
Like to know about my next event?
Please give me a call:
send me a letter:
P.O. Box 154, Lunenburg,
NS B0J 2C0
or studio@feliciaknock.com

© 2017 Felicia Knock Fibre Studio | All images are the property of Felicia Knock, or the property of respective firms displayed throughout this web site.


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